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I am 28 year old mother of one who is finally taking action and changing my career/ following my dream. At present I am a Mother, Wife, Student, Case Manager and Maitre'd in that order! For the past 7 years I have been working as a Case Manager and Youth Worker with a focus on Training and Mentoring for early school leavers. It was doing this that got me thinking about teaching and how I would like to work with young people before they leave school. I would eventually love to work as a Guidence Counsellor and put all my years working as in Case Management to good use but that is a longer term goal and I am taking things one day at a time!A you can see from the title of this blog I love quotes! So I will finish up with a quote that I love from one of my favorite authors,which I think summarizes this course perfectly for me! "Experience: the most brutal of teachers. But you learn, my God do you learn.” C.S Lewis

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Educational Uses for Avatars

When thinking about the educational uses for avatars, here were my initial ideas

- Use in LOTE (having an avatar speak another language as a tool for students to learn)
- Communicating with students (Creating your own characters to communicate and interact with the students).
- Getting students to generate characters and using them to ask questions in relation to classes. students can ask questions to their voki friends.

I also found a great website which has countless other ideas on how they can be used. At the risk of plagiarising anything this website also helped me to add other educational uses for avatars to my list such as:

- using them as a tool to help shy students to speak up (This would be also great for students who hate public speaking, rather then doing it in front of the class students could create and use their own avatars to give a speech or presentation)
-using a voki as a teaching tool in online and distance education
- students can create avatars resembling characters in a story, add a setting and give it a speech.

There were countless other ideas and links I found on this website also.

Avatars would also be great to use to incorporate the Engagement Theory and Active Learning Theory into the classroom as students are working together on something which they can "relate, create and donate" to (Kearsley and Shniederman) Students would be motivated to learn due to the novel and fun nature of using the avatars as a tool to apply what they have learned.

In relation to the learning design framework avatars would be an effective (and fun!)learner centered resource to incorporate into the classroom, especially when looking at the 8LMQ'S at 4, 5 and 6. Avatars would be a great learning tool to use, when considering who will do what?engaging people, professionals and learning tools. In this case the avatar can be used as the learning tool to engage students.

Students could also become support for one another through using these avatars (what resources do I have at my disposal?). When considering LMQ 5, what will constitute the learning journey? students can use avatars to develop and manage their own learning experience in any subject using some of the ideas listed above and on the website I have listed.

Students and teachers can also share and compare avatars to monitor learner progress and as evidence of what they have learned. (LMQ 7 and 8).

I am now wishing that I could have used an avatar for all those Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet speeches I had to do in English when I was at school!


Kearsley, G., & Shneiderman, B. (1999). Engagement Theory: A framework for technology-based teaching and learning. Retrieved from CQUniversity e-course, EDED20491 ICTs for learning design,

Marzano, R. J., & Pickering, D. J. (with Arrendondo, D. E., Paynter, D. E., Blackburn, G. J., Brandt, R. S., Pollock, J.E., Moffett, C.A & Whisler, J. S.). (1997). Dimensions of learning teacher’s manual (2nd ed.). Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

101 ways to use blogs

Here is another useful link I found, which documents ways to use blogs in teaching, this gave me some ideas about using other online resources as well such as e-portfolios and wikis.
Ok so we try again the link! on my posting doesn;t seem to work! video

Reflection on Process and Learning Experience for Myself and Students Using Mahara

First I should mention that I am still technically learning mahara! I did manage to create a "view" of sorts as directed by the course material, however it is still a work in progress. I find myself at times having to take deep breaths and not take my mistakes so seriously!

The article written by Heath G. 2001 Mode 2 Learning, now definitely has more relevance to me as this is the type of learning that I have been undertaking the past few hours while attempting to create my "view". This knowledge, produced in the "context of application" (Heath G., 2001) is becoming more in demand in today's society where a degree is a minimum qualification for any job and what a person can "do" with this knowledge is infinitely more important (just look at any selection criteria for a job vacancy and there is direct evidence of this).

What our students can "do" is going to become the main focus of education and how our students access information and apply this knowledge using today's technology on my reflection seems to be the focus of teaching in the 21st century. Unfortunately for me what I am "doing" with Mahara doesn;t seem quite up to the mark of effectively using and integrating ICT'S into my learning experience!

In reflection of this as a learning process for students, I am beginning to realise, the more that I use this technology that Smyth and Lynch's 8LMQ's Model of Learning Design is extremely important as a tool to use when designing a learning experience involving any type of ICT. LMQ 4 "What Resources Do I have at My Disposal?" Will be an important question to ask when using any type of ICT and applying it to the classroom environment.

When using Mahara in a classroom environment as an ICT resource I could imagine that students creating their own e-portfolio would be an excellent way to track their processes and achievement's throughout the year. Students could also use their e-portfolio to complete assessment and homework tasks. Just imagine! students could use their e-portfolio account the entire way through school! an account of academic history, work and projects that can never be lost! So much better that the yearbook! and even this could be linked to the portfolio! I have lost so much of my stuff from school and get exited at the prospect that students today can have this all in one place and documented from years 1 through to 12!

Although is saying this I would need to take into account what students in the lower primary level years are able to do but I am sure that there are things that they can create to put on their e-portfolio or even for myself as the teacher that I could help them create and upload. At this stage I am sure that they could do a better job than me!

I did a quick search for information on what primary school students were capable of in the use of ICT'S and found this video to be a good example of what they can do even at the lower levels! I also found it to be an excellent reference as to how we can apply and use ICT'S in schools.

Friday, March 26, 2010


ok, so that was not exactly the video I was after by close enough, I am experimenting with posting videos to my blog! somehow I got the wrong code from you tube but this video is still interesting and relevant!

21st century teaching

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Reflection of Today;s Activities, Creating a Blog and Wiki

Yes, I am still here and relatively unharmed, except for perhaps my pride! I guess using my "Habits of Mind" and putting them to practice is what got me through this activity!

When I first read the course profile for ICT's at the start of this year I admit to having a bit of a panic attack at the thought of having to DO all of this! As a child of the "Teacher Centred" generation of someone standing at the front of the classroom and telling me what to do at times the thought of applying what I am learning as I go is a little scary!

But so far (although I have to admit after looking at many others blogs and getting some mild anxiety concerning how good they are!) I have created my blog and Wiki and with the directions given and it was easier was not nearly as scary as I thought it would be!

Being part of a blog is in a way like being in a community of like-minded people and I can see how this is a form of technology that I should have become familiar with much earlier! In regards to it application in the classroom and in the teaching community I think that it can be used for classroom activities, collaboration of information and assessment in ANY subject to encourage student interaction and communication both inside and outside of the classroom environment. It is also a good avenue for teachers to collaborate and share their own information, educational links, lesson ideas and other endless information that would take up this entire page!

As for the wiki I am still experimenting with this! Maybe Wiki;s could be used for students to work on assignments and assessments? Would also be a good idea for teachers to plan school trips and events? both parents and students could then refer to the wiki in regards to the organization of the chosen school activity?

If I have missed the point completely I am happy for everyone's ideas and feedback! I can already see that many of you have far more experience at this than I do!

Some Ideas

Some ideas on how we could use Blogs and Wikis as tools for teaching. This is a reflection of the learning activities for Week four ICT;S.

After going through this weeks learning activities I can see how blogs and wikis could be a good tool for encouraging student participation both in and outside the classroom and a good way of building trust and enhancing communication outside of class. Here is what I have so far. Anyone please feel free to add to the list!
  • Collaboration of student notes
  • Lesson reflections
  • Discussion forums on lesson topics
  • Assessments/Projects
  • Homework activities
  • Tutoring

Use of blogs in the classroom

Am now starting to see how blogs could be an excellent resource and teaching tool for ANY subject in school. Possibilities are endless for both students and teachers, limited only by your imagination! those who are well up to date with all of this are probably going duh! but bear with me! :)

I did it, yay!

Learning activity week 4

Ok, so maybe I'm not as silly as I thought! when I got the the activity it week four which lets us set up an RSS aggregator using google and add the blog URL's as we see them on the ICT forum I realised that I have already been doing this! A perfect example of how ICT'S can be used to provide a relevant learning experience even for me! Still feeling a little slow on the uptake after looking at everyone;s blogs but hopefully I;ll get there!

First Post

Wow! if someone had told me 2 months ago that I would be starting my own blog there is no way I would have believed it! In the past me and technology haven't exactly gotten along! (I was known at my old workplace for shutting something down just by looking at it or walking past it!) But this is a new year and I will endeavour to blog my experiences through this course as best I can! So please be patient with me everyone and to all others who are a bit technologically challenged like me, we can do this!