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I am 28 year old mother of one who is finally taking action and changing my career/ following my dream. At present I am a Mother, Wife, Student, Case Manager and Maitre'd in that order! For the past 7 years I have been working as a Case Manager and Youth Worker with a focus on Training and Mentoring for early school leavers. It was doing this that got me thinking about teaching and how I would like to work with young people before they leave school. I would eventually love to work as a Guidence Counsellor and put all my years working as in Case Management to good use but that is a longer term goal and I am taking things one day at a time!A you can see from the title of this blog I love quotes! So I will finish up with a quote that I love from one of my favorite authors,which I think summarizes this course perfectly for me! "Experience: the most brutal of teachers. But you learn, my God do you learn.” C.S Lewis

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Reflection of Today;s Activities, Creating a Blog and Wiki

Yes, I am still here and relatively unharmed, except for perhaps my pride! I guess using my "Habits of Mind" and putting them to practice is what got me through this activity!

When I first read the course profile for ICT's at the start of this year I admit to having a bit of a panic attack at the thought of having to DO all of this! As a child of the "Teacher Centred" generation of someone standing at the front of the classroom and telling me what to do at times the thought of applying what I am learning as I go is a little scary!

But so far (although I have to admit after looking at many others blogs and getting some mild anxiety concerning how good they are!) I have created my blog and Wiki and with the directions given and it was easier was not nearly as scary as I thought it would be!

Being part of a blog is in a way like being in a community of like-minded people and I can see how this is a form of technology that I should have become familiar with much earlier! In regards to it application in the classroom and in the teaching community I think that it can be used for classroom activities, collaboration of information and assessment in ANY subject to encourage student interaction and communication both inside and outside of the classroom environment. It is also a good avenue for teachers to collaborate and share their own information, educational links, lesson ideas and other endless information that would take up this entire page!

As for the wiki I am still experimenting with this! Maybe Wiki;s could be used for students to work on assignments and assessments? Would also be a good idea for teachers to plan school trips and events? both parents and students could then refer to the wiki in regards to the organization of the chosen school activity?

If I have missed the point completely I am happy for everyone's ideas and feedback! I can already see that many of you have far more experience at this than I do!

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