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I am 28 year old mother of one who is finally taking action and changing my career/ following my dream. At present I am a Mother, Wife, Student, Case Manager and Maitre'd in that order! For the past 7 years I have been working as a Case Manager and Youth Worker with a focus on Training and Mentoring for early school leavers. It was doing this that got me thinking about teaching and how I would like to work with young people before they leave school. I would eventually love to work as a Guidence Counsellor and put all my years working as in Case Management to good use but that is a longer term goal and I am taking things one day at a time!A you can see from the title of this blog I love quotes! So I will finish up with a quote that I love from one of my favorite authors,which I think summarizes this course perfectly for me! "Experience: the most brutal of teachers. But you learn, my God do you learn.” C.S Lewis

Monday, April 19, 2010

Writing a Short Narrative

After considering the topics that the class I am placed in is currently covering, I chose the one that I noticed many of the students seemed to be the least enthusiastic about which was writing a narrative. I was informed by my MT that NAPLAN testing usually has a narrative component and along with this narrative writing is a unit Incorporated to encourage imagination and creativity along with encouraging students to READ.

After considering this I spent some time searching YouTube and the videos I found on narrative writing and short story writing were about as exiting as watching paint dry, so if the students were reluctant already they would be even less motivated after viewing these! (Anyone that knows any great resources for this topic please let me know!)

The pedagogical rationale for choosing the video featured above was that it is an excellent example (I think so anyway!) of a short narrative and would be a great introduction to the topic. After playing the video, students would be informed on the components of a short narrative and asked to identify these components in the video narrative. This supports Student Centred Learning as well as the Learning Engagement Theory.

I think using an interesting video such as this as an introduction to the topic also addresses Dimension one, Attitudes and perceptions in the Dol's. Opening a learning topic with something interesting designed to gain attention would assist the students to develop positive attitudes and perceptions regarding the classroom task which they are required to complete.


Marzano, R. J., & Pickering, D. J. (with Arrendondo, D. E., Paynter, D. E., Blackburn, G. J., Brandt, R. S., Pollock, J.E., Moffett, C.A & Whisler, J. S.). (1997). Dimensions of learning teacher’s manual (2nd ed.). Alexandria, VA: ASCD.


  1. Wow Meeghan, that is such an awesome movie! What an excellent idea to use that in teaching how to write narratives. I would LOVE to use that movie in my current class in EPL. They have also been learning to write narratives, but are not exactly enthused! Thanks so much for sharing that. I also think that movie would be an excellent way of introducing components of functional grammar, such as processes, where verbs are categorised into verbal, mental, relational and material processes, with material processes being the action verbs. There are so many possibilities for action verbs in this movie, I love it!

  2. Thanks Carolyne!

    and thank you for mentioning the action verbs and categorisation as well!, we were covering these in class today and I did not think of using the video for this pupose so I will have to remember to incorporate this topic into the narrative activity as well if I end up using it!My MT is still not sure what lessons she wants me to cover yet as (I have just been instructing smaller groups so far) they are having a staff meeting to cover the curriculum content however she did like the idea so hopefully I can see how it goes!

    Meegan Sommerfeld
